Explore our AI news generator to easily turn your text into a realistic AI fake news story without watermark. Use these AI-generated news reports to create fake news memes for your social media, marketing campaigns or educational content. Try Clipfly now to discover more valuable features to facilitate your AI news generation. No skills are required.
Imagine creating a lifelike fake news video quickly with your text. Now, this goal can be easily realized through our powerful AI news video generator. With its help, you can become a professional news creator without any skills. Simply input your text prompts to describe your AI news report, make your customization and then click “Generate” to expect a professional and quality AI news clip. Say goodbye to the cumbersome news creation workflow, such as video material shooting and post-production.
Want to see your favorite presenter, character or even your pet become your exclusive news reporter? Clipfly has you covered. Our AI talking avatar can transform your still picture into an animated figure lip-syncing your input text with a realistic AI human voice. Just upload your image, paste the copies from a news report or enter your own news content, select the preferred AI voice and then hit “Generate” to see the figure in your photo report your news vividly. Try it now to animate your favorite photos and make your own AI fake news prank.
We provide a useful “Text to Image to Video” feature that can convert your text to HD AI images and then change your chosen picture to a dynamic short video with one click. So, no more planning a costly budget to hire a professional presenter. Just use your text to bring your imaginative AI news anchor to life and see him or her animate in an instant. Besides, various styles are available to personalize your AI news reporter, such as Anime, oil painting, neonpunk, digital art, etc. You can click “Edit Now” to move the clip with your AI presenter to our online video editor for further editing, such as adding headlines, background music, voiceovers and more, making it more professional and real.
Want a high-quality AI news audio? We can also make your dream come true. Just rely on our text-to-speech converter to turn your news script into an engaging and vivid audio file with a realistic AI human voice in a flash. Besides, you can customize your AI news audio as you like, such as speed change, fade-in/out effects, volume adjustment and more. Then, you can export it in the HD MP3 format and enjoy it with your ears or add it to your projects as a voiceover.
More than an AI for news generation, Clipfly also appears as a practical video editor. After getting your AI news report, you can edit it without switching to another tool. For example, you can add funny prank text to captivate the audience, apply video filters to beautify your AI news video, insert hilarious background music and sound effects to vivify it, add a funny voiceover to it via our TTS converter, merge multiple clips into a long news feature and more. How you create your fake news prank is totally your call.